Rearview Mountain

shivering fox - every passing second, i'm reminded of the feeling that your soft hands gave me, when you touched me in places that i can't touch the same way.


1 - shivering fox - one

2 - shivering fox - two


Wonderful andrew returns to the "label" for a battering of sentimental longing drone recollections with a Tight Grip On Yr Heartstrings. The sound lulls with minimal bass laden swell (think an expansion of "flood" from "hata ranko", or amplified veins) before bringing on the colourful spattering hue heavy "shoegaze" tone worship ("""fans""" might recognise a """sound"""). Massive amount of love! Andrew is the master!

co-release with areyoudoneyet?(!!!), CDrs + direct support available through that page!

aydy bandcamp
