Rearview Mountain

🦊 - classics


1 - 🦊 - 🦊 salutes psychedelic warlords

2 - 🦊 - 🦊 dream

3 - 🦊 - without comfort

4 - 🦊 - hard

5 - 🦊 - river of jordan for cory strand

6 - 🦊 - small city park


Loops from december compiled into this reverb soaked cloud, mostly recontextualisations of kinda iconic songs (bonus points if you know any) but it all becomes some imposing hulking mass of swell blends. 🦊 does away with the "Liveness" aspect of all prior things, all loops no progress. Dedication to internet spam drone long live laptop drone love love forever 🦊 loves you buddy.
